In the wake of the 2023 Video Music Awards (VMAs), rumors swirled around a supposed backstage altercation between pop sensation Justin Timberlake and hip-hop icon Megan Thee Stallion. However, a recent video shared by Megan herself has put those whispers to rest, showcasing a light-hearted interaction between the two stars.

On Wednesday, September 13, Megan Thee Stallion took to social media to share a video clip of herself alongside Timberlake. The footage, set against the backdrop of "Do As Infinity" playing, captured the two celebrities laughing and engaging in a jovial conversation. Megan captioned the video, "I just talk with my hands lol @justintimberlake love ya ," addressing speculations that the video depicted a heated argument.

Fans were quick to rally behind Megan, with many taking to the comments section to express their support. One user remarked, "And people swear you're the problem. Cleared that up real quick," while another added, "PERIOD! Shut the haters up!!!!!!!!!! ." The sentiment was echoed by another fan who commented, "Imagine… jumping to conclusions and instantly assuming a Black woman was angry."

The VMAs also saw a reunion of NSYNC, with Timberlake being a prominent member. Some fans speculated about the nature of the conversation between Timberlake and Megan, with one suggesting, "Either Justin said something wildly out of pocket to her, or she's saying 'This does not count,' maybe referring to them just presenting together as a 'reunion' instead of performing."

However, insiders were quick to debunk these theories. A source close to the situation revealed, "Meg loves Justin. She was saying 'No, no, no, we've never met before.' It was their first time meeting, and she was excited." The source further detailed that Timberlake had expressed his pleasure at meeting Megan, to which she playfully responded that their VMAs interaction didn't count as a proper introduction.

The 2023 VMAs have certainly been a hotbed for rumors and speculations, but as is often the case, the truth is far less dramatic than the gossip mill would have one believe. Both Megan Thee Stallion and Justin Timberlake continue to enjoy significant success in their respective careers, and this brief interaction only serves to highlight the camaraderie that exists even amidst the high-pressure environment of award shows.