In a revelation that has stirred political circles, emails from 2010 have emerged, suggesting then-Vice President Joe Biden expressed displeasure with then-President Barack Obama for allegedly borrowing from his speeches. The emails, sourced from Hunter Biden's laptop, have been reported by both Fox News and the Daily Mail, offering a rare glimpse into the dynamics between the two top leaders of the previous administration.

On September 7, 2010, following a pro-union speech by Obama at Laborfest in Milwaukee, Hunter Biden sent an email to his father, quoting a segment of the President's speech. The quoted section touched upon the emotional impact of job losses on families, emphasizing the blow to their dignity and self-worth. Hunter's email, sent to Joe Biden's personal account,, playfully questioned, "Wonder where he got that from?" suggesting that the language was reminiscent of Biden's own speeches from his 2008 campaign. The elder Biden's succinct response was, "No grace."

The 2008 campaign speeches of Joe Biden, then a senator, often highlighted the profound emotional and social implications of job losses. In his August 2008 speech, while accepting the Democratic vice-presidential nomination, Biden had remarked, "That’s how you come to believe, to the very core of your being, that work is more than a paycheck. It’s dignity. It’s respect." He further elaborated on this theme in a November 2008 speech in Missouri, describing the heart-wrenching scenario of a parent having to explain to their child about a job loss.

The emails gain significance in light of Biden's past. His 1988 presidential campaign was marred by plagiarism allegations, leading to its eventual collapse. Additionally, during his first year at Syracuse University College of Law, Biden was accused of plagiarizing a paper.

The email address,, is believed to be one of several used by Joe Biden to communicate with his family. The term 'Auks' refers to the mascot of Archmere Academy, a school both Joe and Hunter Biden attended. This email address has appeared in multiple exchanges on Hunter's laptop, as reported last year.

While the emails provide a candid look into the relationship dynamics between Biden and Obama, they also raise questions about the nature of political speechwriting and the fine line between inspiration and plagiarism. As of now, neither the White House nor representatives for Obama and Hunter Biden have commented on the matter.