Speculations Accuse Joe Biden Molested Daughter Ashley Biden After 'Ashley Personal Diary' Exposed

An extract from the personal diary of Ashley Biden, daughter of U.S President Joe Biden, revealing that she took showers with her father has stirred a hornet's nest. Biden was not only slammed for the inappropriate behavior but the act was also dubbed as child molestation.
Diary Found Lying Under Mattress
Radar Online reported that a Florida woman, Aimee Harris, came across Ashley's journal which she later sold to right-wing organization Project Veritas. She allegedly found the diary lying under a mattress in Ashley's former home in Palm Beach, Florida.
An entry from January 30, 2019, reads, "I have always been boy crazy," she wrote. 'hyper-sexualized @ a young age ... I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)."
Another entry from March 16 reads, "I relapsed. F***ing again. The difference this time around was that I told Elizabeth, Mom + Dad this morning. Mom + Dad worried but incredibly supportive. I am so lucky to have them on my side."
The Daily Mail reported that the 39-year-old is under investigation for selling the journal with malicious intent by teaming up with Robert Kurlander and selling the journal to Project Veritas.
Biden Dubbed as Child Molester on Social Media
Biden, who is often dubbed as a paedophile on social media by Trump supporters, was against slammed after contents of the diary were leaked. It gained momentum after Fox News host Tucker Carlson alleged the same on his show.
— Casandra (@casandramem) June 17, 2022
"Joe Biden SEXUALLY MOLESTED his DAUGHTER. He SHOWERED WITH HER. These details were discovered in Ashley Biden's DIARY reported by @TuckerCarlson this evening. Joe Biden is a DESPOT and a CHILD MOLESTER. This LUCIFER IN THE FLESH must be DEFEATED!" read a tweet.
— Rob Schneider (@RobSchneider) June 18, 2022
"Ashley Biden, Joe Biden's daughter, confirms in her diary, Joe Biden molested her sexually. He showered with her and molested her as a child. All this is in her dairy now reported by several news outlets. Why isn't the FBI placing this pervert in jail," tweeted a user.
Biden’s daughter claims she was molested as a girl while she & her father were showering together. This is definitely not Presidential behavior.
— Jont Trubek (@JontTrubek) November 7, 2021
*@@@BREAKING NEWS@@@** :::: Some news outlets are reporting that Ashley Biden's diary contains evidence that President Joe Biden sexually molested and abused his daughter ,,,, How many of you remember all the videos of Biden touching little girls that were removed from the web ?" wrote another.
Biden's daughters diary was exposed and one thing we learn is how Joe took showers with his daughter and she has been in and out of rehab for sex addiction, and drug addiction, and that Joe may have molested her while showering, now that is sick. This Scumbag is our president
— Jenny Fentos (@FentosJenny) June 17, 2022