George and Amal Clooney, one of Hollywood's most iconic couples, are celebrating nearly a decade of marital bliss, and sources close to the duo suggest that their bond is stronger than ever.

The Clooneys, who have been the epitome of marital happiness, are said to be more in love now than they've ever been. "They can't picture their lives with anyone else," shared an insider, emphasizing the deep connection between the actor and the human rights attorney. This bond is further solidified by their shared responsibilities and joys of parenting their 6-year-old twins, Alexander and Ella. The couple has seamlessly integrated their roles, alternating responsibilities from taking their children to activities to preparing family meals.

This summer, the Clooney family has been relishing their time at their luxurious Lake Como residence in Italy. The twins have been particularly enjoying their summer, engaging in boat rides, water sports, and playdates with a close-knit group of friends. While Amal has been occupied with her work, dedicating time in her expansive home office to various cases, the couple made a conscious decision to embrace the 'European way' by taking most of August off. This break, however, did not deter them from making a glamorous appearance at the Venice Film Festival on August 29, a short distance from their Italian abode. "It's a fun date for them. They love catching up with friends," the source added.

George Clooney, known for his roles in movies like "The Descendants," has never been shy about expressing his admiration for his wife. In a past interview, he humorously remarked on their enduring relationship, saying, "Eight years! And they said it wouldn't last." He went on to describe everything about Amal as "magical," praising not only her personal attributes but also her professional accomplishments and the values she stands for. "There's just not a downside to her," he affectionately stated.

This sentiment was echoed by other sources who have observed the couple over the years. Their relationship, built on mutual respect, shared goals, and an evident deep love for each other, serves as an inspiration to many. As they approach a decade together, the Clooneys continue to prove that true love, even in the spotlight of Hollywood, can stand the test of time.