In 2018, Hunter Biden's personal and professional life was seemingly spiraling out of control, prompted by a New York Times story that unveiled one of his controversial deals with China. The unfolding scenario pulled in then Vice President Joe Biden and his brother, Jim Biden, as evidenced by newly surfaced messages.

This chain of communication provides a window into the tumultuous life of the Biden family's youngest member. It also reveals a pattern of alleged influence peddling, with vast sums of money reportedly disappearing into the Biden family's accounts.

These messages appear to challenge President Biden's public denial of his son's foreign business dealings, which allegedly financed Hunter's self-destructive lifestyle. Despite widespread media support, the Bidens have faced ongoing criticism for their reported influence-peddling. Particularly, Jim Biden has been reproached for using his brother's position to attract clients.

The unveiling of these questionable deals with prominent foreign figures has shed light on a complex network of corporations and accounts allegedly established by the Bidens. According to the House Oversight Committee, these structures were used to divert millions from these dealings to various Biden family members, including the grandchildren.

The veracity of President Biden's repeated denials about his knowledge of his son's foreign engagements has been thrown into question, especially as evidence from Hunter's abandoned laptop contradicts this. Photos, appointments, and a recording related to a Times report detailing Hunter's dealings with Ye Jianming, the former head of CEFC China Energy Company, implicate Joe Biden's awareness of these affairs.

The new messages suggest an atmosphere of concern within the Biden family as Hunter's contentious dealings came into light, resulting in declining revenue. Jim Biden's communications with Hunter reveal a hurried attempt to engage him in addressing the problem as a family, promising him a "safe harbor" and asserting his ability to work with Hunter's father directly.

Hunter's financial struggles, combined with his battle with drug and alcohol addiction, presented a significant threat not only to himself but to the entire family's reputation. Despite his volatile lifestyle and lack of expertise in sectors like energy and mining, foreign entities continued to funnel money into his accounts, a pattern that points towards classic corruption and influence-peddling.

In the midst of these revelations, Joe and Jim Biden's efforts to reassure Hunter and keep him involved appear as a protective mechanism to shield the family's reputation. However, the implications of these controversies could mean Hunter bears the brunt of potential legal repercussions, serving as a scapegoat for the family.