Opening up about the private breast cancer battle Kelly Preston fought for a long time, Olivia Newton-John revealed how the late actress's family is slowly healing. The Australian singer also spoke about what she misses the most about the late actress and model.

Describing Preston as a beautiful person inside and out during an interview with ET's Rachel Smith, Newton-John said she had a gentle spirit. Noting that Preston was married to Newton-John's friend John Travolta for about 29 years, she said she feels for their children and the actor, adding that it is hard to put those feelings into words.

Preston was 57 years of age when she died on July 12, following a fierce two-year battle with breast cancer that she refrained from revealing to the public. When the news about her battle broke, fans were understandably shocked, and Newton-John said the family has been healing as well as you can imagine.

Whether it is about Preston's kids losing their mother or Travolta losing his wife, Newton-John said the loss is a loss, and it is very difficult to recover from the shock. She then went on to say that the healing process is Travolta and their kids' private journey, noting that she respects that for them.

Although she and Travolta do not speak daily, Newton-John said they are in contact, and she makes sure that she sends her love and support as often as she can. The 72-year-old British-Australian singer and actress were originally diagnosed with breast cancer back in 1992, but unlike Preston, she had no choice but to go public with her diagnosis.

The actress recalled that one of the gossip papers published an article suggesting that she was dying of cancer. When she heard that, she decided to go public with her diagnosis rather than frightening her family and friends.

She has never shied away from talking about her struggle with breast cancer, as her illness has gone into remission but re-emerged several times in the past. She currently feels strong and is bent on helping others.

Newton-John, who lives in a Santa Barbara, California-based ranch with her husband, John Easterling, recently announced the launch of the Olivia Newton-John Foundation. She said she had been planning the new organization for many years, adding that it focuses on new possibilities for the treatment and recovery of cancer that aren't too harsh on a person's body.