The fairy-tale romance of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, affectionately known as "Bennifer," appears to be heading for a rocky end as sources reveal the couple's bedroom antics have gone from red-hot to no-go. The National ENQUIRER reports that the 54-year-old dance diva has privately complained about her 51-year-old husband's lack of effort and laziness as a lover, leading to a significant decline in their intimacy.

"J.Lo privately complains Ben wasn't up to par in the bedroom, that he stopped making an effort and became lazy and boring as a lover," a tipster told The National ENQUIRER. The couple, who reunited in 2021 and tied the knot in 2022, have been facing mounting pressures from Lopez's failing album, concert tour, and potential cancellation of her Las Vegas residency due to lack of interest.

Sources claim that Affleck, who recently decamped from their shared home to a pricey Brentwood rental, "regrets" their nuptials. "Obviously when they first got back together it was electric Ben couldn't keep his hands off her and he now admits he was blinded by lust," a mole revealed. "But the bickering and tension took a toll. He was so burnt out and bored by her diva fits, the physical attraction totally wore off!"

The couple's cringeworthy public displays of affection have also become a major turn-off for Affleck, according to insiders. "J.Lo needs attention nonstop from everyone, and at first Ben was caught up in the excitement," a tipster tattled. "He started to get embarrassed when his friends made fun of him, but when he tried to tone it down she refused to let him off the hook."

Affleck's nasty habits of cigarettes and junk food have also contributed to the strain on their relationship, as Lopez is known for her disciplined and healthy lifestyle. "She put up with it but it wasn't exactly attractive. She didn't want to kiss him without handing him a mint first!" an informant insisted.

Despite the swirling divorce rumors, Lopez is reportedly trying to keep her head up and avoid being seen as the villain. "Jennifer has a big entourage that follows her around daily — glam squad, videographers, photographers, assistants, trainers," a source dished to Star. "She's tried to make Ben understand that being Jennifer Lopez is a 24/7 job. She is her brand, she lives and breathes it while Ben can leave his work at the door if he chooses to."

The couple's differing approaches to work-life balance have also contributed to their marital strife. While Affleck has been spending time with his children from his previous marriage to Jennifer Garner, Lopez has been focusing on her career. "Jennifer doesn't begrudge him spending time with his kids. But she doesn't think it's fair he's getting 'sympathy points' for it," an insider revealed.

Lopez is reportedly upset that Affleck hasn't stepped up to debunk the split rumors, with an insider noting, "She could say a lot. Like how Ben shares the blame for the state their marriage is in now. It takes two to tango. It also takes two to mess up a relationship."