Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck's marriage appears to be unraveling just two years after their high-profile reunion and subsequent wedding in Las Vegas. The couple, who reignited their romance two decades after their initial split, are reportedly heading toward a divorce, marking what insiders predict could be "the divorce of the century."

Speculation about the state of their relationship reached a boiling point when a reporter at a press conference for Lopez's new movie, Atlas, asked about the rumors of their split. Lopez's response, though firm, did little to quell the growing whispers. "You know better than that," she retorted, but sources close to the couple suggest that the end is indeed near, according to In Touch magazine.

According to insiders, the relationship has been strained for months, with Affleck and Lopez living apart and divorce lawyers on standby. "Jennifer is in denial, but it's over," said a source close to the former couple. "This will go down as the divorce of the century."

The cracks in their marriage reportedly stem from deep-seated differences. "Ben loves her and always will, but they're so different," the source noted. Lopez's involvement in an alcohol line was particularly contentious, given Affleck's well-documented struggles with sobriety. Moreover, the couple frequently clashed over the extent to which they should share their personal lives with the public.

Affleck, 51, and Lopez, 54, had tried to navigate these differences, even discussing their challenges in Lopez's documentary, The Greatest Love Story Never Told. However, their attempts at compromise fell short. "She can't control him, and he can't change her," the source said, adding that Affleck moved out of their $61 million mansion shortly after the documentary's release.

Affleck's friends and family had questioned his decision to rekindle the romance. "It's like he was under a spell. He made a huge mistake and feels like such a fool," the source revealed.

Lopez, described as a hopeless romantic, is reportedly desperate to salvage the relationship. "She wants to save face, from having a fourth failed marriage," the source explained. Despite her efforts, Affleck appears resolute. "Their final days and nights together were excruciatingly difficult. She begged Ben for a second chance, but he said no."

The couple did come together briefly to watch Affleck's child, Fin, perform in a school play. However, the interaction was noticeably cold. "Ben avoided showing J. Lo any real affection. He just drove her home, then went back to his rental," the source recounted. Although Affleck wore his wedding ring for the outing, the gesture seemed symbolic rather than sincere. "That won't last, and J. Lo is devastated," the source added.

As the reality of the split sinks in, Lopez is reportedly struggling. "J. Lo has had screaming fits, and she's been making panicked, middle-of-the-night phone calls to crisis managers to figure out how she's going to publicly handle this situation," the source said. "Her heart is broken, and she's barely eating."

Financially, the couple's split could be complex, despite their reported prenuptial agreement. Lopez is worth $400 million, while Affleck's net worth is approximately $150 million. "They will try to keep things as amicable as possible because of the kids, but things can get nasty at any moment, especially when lawyers get involved," the source cautioned.

Affleck's resolve seems unshakeable. "He's made it clear he's done," the source stated, noting that Affleck has been seeking support from his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner. This turn to Garner, who shares three children with Affleck, is likely to exacerbate tensions. "That must make J. Lo furious. She and Ben are both incredibly passionate people, so it’s going to be a painful divorce — no matter what."