While Prince Harry's presence at King Charles' coronation on Saturday, May 6, was brief, Queen Camilla wasn't pleased that her youngest stepson was invited to the historic event at all. According to an insider who spoke to Radar, Camilla concurred with Prince William's view that Charles should have banished Harry and Meghan, signaling that their "traitorous poison" wouldn't be accepted.

"Camilla believes Charles' decision has weakened their popularity," the source said. However, King Charles is reportedly growing weary of people questioning his decisions and trying to undermine him. "He finds her behavior disruptive and disrespectful," the insider added.

The tension between Camilla and Harry has its roots in years of strained relations, exacerbated by Harry's recent comments about her in his memoir. Unlike William, who has accepted Camilla, she feels Harry continues to "defame" her.

The source revealed that Camilla will never forgive him and that the royal couple's disagreements will lead to challenging times in the king's household.

"Charles and Camilla are testy with each other. They can't sit and have a meal without arguing, and they're getting very snippy with the staff," the insider shared about their current dynamic.

Despite the tension, both Charles and Camilla share a mutual disapproval of Meghan Markle, Harry's wife, who remained in California with their two children during the coronation.

A separate source claimed that Charles was "genuinely disappointed" that Harry didn't stay for the weekend-long celebrations. However, Harry had a valid reason for leaving early, as his son Archie's 4th birthday coincided with the coronation.

Charles reportedly acknowledged Harry and his family during the coronation lunch, making a toast to "those that weren’t there" and wishing his youngest grandson a happy birthday "wherever he was."