Earlier this week, the Duke of Sussex said that resignations are not all that bad. He also stressed the importance of being happy in one’s choices and said that happiness should always come first.

During his speech at Fast Company to promote Better Up, Prince Harry said that some people have stayed in jobs that did not make them happy. And they are not prioritizing their happiness and mental health. He added that this decision is something to be celebrated.

However, Sky News host Chris Smith sarcastically said that Prince Harry knows the joys of quitting their job. After all, he and his wife, Meghan Markle quit The Firm last year.

“He said overnight that leaving work is something to be celebrated. I'm sorry, but there's a big difference between reasonable resignation and just quitting. Easy to do of course with the Royal inheritance,” Smith said.

Social commentator Prue Macsween added that no one he knows would want to be a royal because it would probably be the worst job in the world.

However, Smith said that if he’s given the opportunity, he would take it because of all the benefits and perks that royals get.

“Prince William and the Queen you know, she has a sense of duty. And most royals have a sense of duty. This entitled young man who is spurred on by his missus said that it was a dysfunctional family. Well, she would know the criteria of a dysfunctional family,” Macsween said.

On Twitter, several critics called Prince Harry out of touch. They also said that he’s privileged that’s why he can just quit his duties at any given time.

“Prince Harry telling people to simply quit their job for their mental health if they aren't happy may be the most out of touch thing he's ever said. He's right it would. But he's forgotten most of us don't inherit millions or have the luxury to stash millions fronting brands,” Twitter user @jackhardwick93 said.

“Oh, the irony of Prince Harry saying you should quit your job if it is making you unhappy. I wish Harry, but who is going to pay the bills, the fairies?” Twitter user @gemisinlondon added.

 However, some people also defended Prince Harry. They said that what he said was right because staying in a job that you hate will destroy you.