President Donald Trump and his presidential rival Joe Biden were both prepared for the first presidential debate better than anyone expected. Although the clutter-full clash was particularly off the point, one would not say it was overly outrageous.

The incumbents unleashed parades of the attack on each other in regard to every controversial bit that took place before the debate in Cleveland Ohio. However, in the aftermath of the first debate, the question that is rising like a spire is – who won it. Is it Trump who derailed Biden with fiery responses and denials to all that Biden said, or it’s Biden who got on the top of Trump using his politically developed wit of decades?  

Though the competition was tight, but not so much that one could figure out the Democratic presidential nominee came out with flying colors.

On Tuesday night, as per the outcomes of instant polls and the decisions of the betting markets, Joe Biden came out victorious mainly because he didn’t crack under enormous pressure exerted by the President. That was one of his main goals – to give Americans a display of what he would be like when he is the Head of Office. The 77-year-old politician kept his cool when it was very hard and proved he would make his decisions wisely.

Donald Trump’s skit was well-plotted – he kept rattling Biden, consistent interruptions, and seldom gave him a chance to speak in the hope that Biden would react furiously and say something he should not say in front of the nation.

However, it played out against Trump. Simply put, Trump spoke more so he had more responsibility, Biden wasn’t allowed to speak, so he just remained silent while the POTUS made fun out of himself.

Another factor where Trump lost a good point was the Body Language. Donald Trump’s body language was hands down chaotic – wagging his finger at Biden, shooting frown of anger, and waving hands to turn down Biden’s claims. That didn’t come out very well, people sort of sensed that it was Trump who was getting annoyed. On the other hand, Biden stuck to the formal body language technique, dropping message-conveying expression consistently, but nothing to be labeled as outrageous.

However, despite all the efforts from the incumbents – good and bad, America wasn’t moved. It was like an entertaining reality TV show - not qualitative enough to raise the hope that's been missing throughout the campaigns.