Kate Middleton's family was unknown to the public until her marriage to Prince William. The family, which is compromised of Carole and Michael Middleton and two siblings became especially famous overnight after the wedding of Kate and Prince William. But one person who caught the eye of the media and captured the heart of the people is Kate’s little sister, Pippa Middleton. 

Pippa was shoved into the spotlight after she became Kate’s maid-of-honor during her wedding. The young Pippa fell into fame after she appeared to have almost overshadowed Kate on her wedding. 

There was quite a time when Pippa was being paired by Prince Harry but unfortunately, some things just don’t become reality. While Harry ended up marrying Meghan Markle, an American actress, Pippa ended up marrying James Matthew, an ex-race car driver and a hedge fund manager.

Pippa and James don’t have any titles unlike Kate Middleton, who is now known as ‘Her Royal Highness, Princess William, Duchess of Cambridge’. Pippa is still Pippa. 

But it has come into light that she might get a title soon. So how will this be possible? 

James Matthew, Pippa’s husband, is the heir to the title Laird of Glen Affric, and if you are wondering why this title is quite weird, it is because the title comes from Scotland. 

James Matthew’s father bought a 10,000-acre estate in Scotland known as Glen Affric. This sprawling estate has given James’ father a right to be called Laird of Glen Affric. 

The title is hereditary thus, once James Matthew’s father will pass, James will automatically inherit the title and Pippa will become ‘Lady of Glen Affric’.

Of course, like all noble titles, Pippa has the choice to still go with Pippa Matthew, rather than carry the title of Lady Pippa of Glen Affric.

Pippa’s sister also chose to go with the Duchess of Cambridge, rather than ‘Princess William’, which is what truly is traditional to the royal family. 

Even Prince Harry and Meghan Markle chose not to give a title to their son, Archie Harrison, who is the seventh-in-line to the throne. Nobles have the choice to accept and carry a title and to forego one. 

Although the title is not directly given by the royal family to Pippa and James, it is a sign that the Middleton family is an impressive bunch.

Pippa Mathews shared one child with James Matthews and currently are living in Britain.