John Bolton's controversy-plagued book dubbed The Room Where It Happened continues to garner strong criticisms from his former boss Donald Trump and his supporters. While it is hardly surprising that Bolton says he will not be voting for Trump in this year's election, the former national security adviser has confirmed that he will not vote for Joe Biden either.

During an interview with ABC News that aired on June 21, Bolton raised a few eyebrows when he said he thinks Trump is not fit for office as he lacks the competence to administer the job. On top of that, Bolton stated that Trump is not even a conservative Republican in his opinion, and he will not vote for him or Biden in the upcoming election.

Bolton said he will figure out a conservative Republican to write in instead. On June 21, The Daily Telegraph reported that lifelong Republican Bolton said he would rather vote for the former vice president than vote for Trump but his spokeswoman told CNN that the newspaper's report was wrong.

Bolton's spokeswoman Sarah Tinsley deemed the statement incorrect while speaking to CNN. She said the Ambassador never said he would vote for Biden, adding that the Telegraph has been told to correct. Tinsley confirmed that Bolton neither plans to vote for Biden nor Trump.

While the Telegraph's article claimed that Bolton said he would be voting for the former vice president, it didn't quote him making that remark. In its recently published article, Bolton told the Telegraph that he voted for Trump over her rival Hillary Clinton in 2016, adding that he will not do this again after having seen Trump up close.

Bolton said his concern is for America, adding that Trump doesn't represent the Republican cause that he is willing to support. While promoting his new book, Bolton said he won't be betraying his GOP roots if he votes for Biden because he said he didn't believe the president represented the Republican Party.

Despite publicly criticizing Trump, none of his former national security officials has gone this far to endorse Biden. It can be recalled that former Defense Secretary James Mattis released a harsh statement that criticized Trump as the first president in his life who isn't focused on uniting the American people.

The Trump campaign responded to Bolton's statement that he will not back the president for a second term, saying Bolton has proved he can lie and is capable of disclosing classified information to sell his books.