President Joe Biden was recently at the center of speculation that he might be suffering from sleep apnea, following observations of distinct marks on his face. These rumors gained momentum when they were shared on social media last week on June 28, with one user posting close-ups of the President's face, questioning: "What the heck did Biden have strapped on his face that made these marks this morning?"

A series of replies hinted at the possible use of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine, which is common in the treatment of sleep apnea. One user shared personal experience, noting, "Mine [my] CPAP does that to me. I usually have a mark on my forehead as well. Only thing I hate about it." Another concurred, "My first thought was a CPAP, yea I have seen a coworker come into work with the marks still on his face. Not often though, he probably woke up late."

Sleep apnea is a potentially serious condition wherein an individual repeatedly stops and starts breathing while asleep. It's often managed with a CPAP machine, which helps keep the airway open, ensuring steady breathing throughout the night. Left untreated, the disorder can be life-threatening, especially among older individuals.

Reacting to the online speculation, White House spokesman Andrew Bates confirmed President Biden's condition in a statement: "Since 2008, the president has disclosed his history with sleep apnea in thorough medical reports. He used a CPAP machine last night, which is common for people with that history."

Prior to this official confirmation, sleep specialist Dr. Joseph Krainin, Medical Advisor at, had already agreed with the popular conjecture. Dr. Krainin stated: "It looks like the sort of indentation one would expect from a CPAP mask. If you look at photos of popular CPAP mask styles you can see how the strap would leave a similar mark as the one we see on President Biden."

Dr. Krainin added that sleep apnea is a widespread disorder, particularly prevalent among older individuals, so it wasn't surprising that President Biden, as the oldest U.S. President ever, would be receiving treatment for this condition.

He also noted that patients often over-tighten their CPAP masks, which can result in lingering facial marks. Furthermore, he reminded that President Biden's past medical history of a ruptured brain aneurysm could make him more susceptible to a specific type of sleep apnea wherein the brain momentarily forgets to breathe while asleep.