Tensions within the family of late Star Wars icon, Carrie Fisher, have escalated, with Fisher’s sole child, Billie Lourd, alleging relatives attempted to profit from her mother’s untimely passing in 2016.

This acrimony became notably public when 30-year-old Lourd excluded her Uncle Todd Fisher, 65, and Aunts Joely Fisher, 55, and Tricia Leigh Fisher, 54, from the May 4th ceremony honoring her mother’s Hollywood Walk of Fame induction. Carrie Fisher became a household name with her portrayal of Princess Leia.

Lourd’s decision sparked outcry from her relatives, with Joely and Tricia jointly stating, “We are baffled that our niece has decided not to involve us in this monumental moment of our sister's career. Carrie would undoubtedly have wanted her siblings present at this event. The conscious decision to exclude her only brother and two sisters is profoundly shocking.”

Lourd has remained unyielding, expressing her deep disapproval of her family members' actions following her mother's demise.

Fisher passed away at the age of 60 in a Los Angeles hospital, four days after experiencing a heart attack on a London to L.A. flight. A day later, Fisher’s mother, Debbie Reynolds, a cherished advice columnist for GLOBE and a revered Hollywood legend, also passed away from a stroke.

Carrie Fisher's death was ruled inconclusive, though substances including cocaine and heroin were discovered in her system.

Lourd spoke out, “In the days following my mom’s passing, her brother and sister decided to publicly grieve and cash in on her death, conducting numerous interviews and publishing individual books for substantial profit. They didn’t consult me or consider the impact this would have on our family dynamics.”

A source close to the family divulged to GLOBE that the discord between Lourd and her mother’s siblings has reached a seemingly irreparable state.

“Billie currently has no communication with her relatives and it’s likely she never will again,” the friend revealed.

“While it’s disheartening to witness the family's fragmentation, Billie is convinced her mother would have applauded her for defending her legacy and upholding her integrity. She is ready to navigate a world that does not involve her uncle and aunts.”