Jennifer Aniston essentially became a household name when “Friends” made waves and become a mainstay in people’s homes. Being Rachel has its perks up to today, but the actress is now reportedly regretting it somehow.

The actress believes playing  Rachel Green in the iconic television series, was a blessing and a curse. It propelled her to stardom but actually boxed her in. It was essentially a double-edged sword to her career.

Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, Aniston said she cannot get Rachel Green off her back as she pursues her career. Unlike her co-stars who were able to do more in their respective acting lives, the “We’re The Millers” star seemed to have been typecast to certain roles. Fans would know what she’s talking about.

“I could not escape Rachel from Friends, just Rachel from Friends, it’s on all the time and you’re just like, ‘Stop playing this f–king show,” she ranted.

Aniston may still be a household name up to the present, but she said that all throughout she was fighting with herself and struggling to prove that she was more than “Rachel.”

However, she did say she had an opportunity to show what she was capable of. In 2002, in the film, “The Good Girl.”

According to Brad Pitt’s ex-wife, it was in this movie that for the first time, she was able to shed her Rachel persona. She was able to disappear into another role who was not remotely similar to Rachel, and it was such a relief to her. It was not easy though, even causing her to overthink if she really could handle the role.

“But I remember the panic that set over me, thinking, ‘Oh God, I don’t know if I can do this. Maybe they’re right. Maybe everybody else is seeing something I’m not seeing” she said. Aniston was very worried that all she can ever be was the girl with purple bedroom walls. 

Regardless of this very valid complaint though, the actress still has a very special fondness for “Friends.” In a recent interview with Variety, she admitted that she still re-watch the show’s episodes!

She even recounted how fun it was for her and Courteney Cox to stumble on a “Friends” bloopers online. It lasted 15 minutes and it was so much fun for them. She’s certainly not alone. Fans still rewatch episodes all the time. It’s certainly a classic.