In the midst of a global pandemic, President Joe Biden's trust in Dr. Anthony Fauci was unwavering. So much so that the renowned medical expert was often seen as the President's right-hand man, according to revelations from the book The Last Politician by Franklin Foer.

The book, which delves into the intricate dynamics of Biden's inner circle, reveals that during the assembly of his COVID-19 team, Biden would humorously instruct Dr. Fauci to take a seat in the vice president's chair, a spot typically reserved for Kamala Harris. This jest not only highlighted the camaraderie between the two but also underscored the significant role Fauci played in the administration's pandemic response.

Dr. Fauci's transition from the Trump administration to Biden's was marked by palpable relief. As he approached the White House briefing room podium for the first time post-Biden's inauguration, he was overwhelmed by a rush of traumatic memories from the previous tenure. Under Biden, Fauci no longer found himself in the uncomfortable position of having to publicly correct the administration he served.

The book also offers a glimpse into Biden's time as Vice President under Barack Obama. The two shared a unique understanding, with Biden often posing challenging questions that Obama wanted answered but hesitated to ask himself. This unspoken communication was so refined that journalist Jonathan Alter described it as a 'secret code.' For instance, when Obama leaned back in his chair during meetings, Biden recognized it as a cue to delve into provocative inquiries.

However, their relationship wasn't without its quirks. Biden, with his blue-collar background, occasionally felt the cultural divide between himself and the more academically inclined Obama. This was evident in their playful banter, with Biden once remarking to a friend about Obama's inability to curse with the right emphasis, jesting that it must be the way they swear in the "ivory tower."

As the 2024 elections approach, Biden remains a figure of interest, with his candidness and light-hearted jabs adding a touch of humanity to the often austere world of politics. Whether it's jokingly offering Fauci the VP's chair or playfully critiquing Obama's cursing technique, Biden's interactions provide a refreshing glimpse into the man behind the title.