In a surprising move, Beyoncé has removed her usual shout-out to Lizzo from her hit song "Break My Soul" following a lawsuit against Lizzo by three former dancers. The dancers have accused the "Truth Hurts" singer of creating a hostile work environment and harassment.

Beyoncé made the unexpected change during a concert in Boston on Tuesday night. The song typically features the names of prominent Black women in the entertainment industry, including Nina Simone, Lauryn Hill, and Nicki Minaj. However, during this performance, Beyoncé replaced Lizzo's name with Erykah Badu's, repeating it four times. Despite this, Lizzo's name still appeared on a screen in the background during the performance, suggesting the decision to omit her name was made at the last minute.

The removal of Lizzo's name from "Break My Soul" likely came as a shock to the 35-year-old rapper. Upon hearing the song live for the first time in June, Lizzo had taken to social media to express her gratitude for the mention. "I think of what we all mean to people and how cyclical it is," Lizzo wrote on Instagram. "We are all so infinitesimally and maximally connected and significant."

The lawsuit against Lizzo was filed in Los Angeles Superior Court. It alleges that Lizzo body-shamed at least three of her former dancers and pressured at least one to participate in an explicit show. "Privately, [Lizzo] weight-shames her dancers and demeans them in ways that are not only illegal but absolutely demoralizing," attorney Ron Zambrano said in a statement.

The complaint cites a particularly wild night out following a show in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in February. It alleges that Lizzo invited cast members to engage in inappropriate interactions with nude performers. A similar incident allegedly took place in March following a show in Paris, where Lizzo is accused of inviting her dancers to a nude cabaret bar without informing them of the nature of the venue.

Lizzo has yet to respond to the allegations. The lawsuit and the subsequent distancing by Beyoncé mark a challenging time for the artist, who has been celebrated for her body positivity and empowerment messages.