Hunter Biden has requested that his former partner, Lunden Roberts, be prohibited from using a former Trump aide as a witness in their ongoing child support dispute, as reported by

Court documents obtained by reveal that Hunter is seeking to prevent Lunden from calling on Garrett Ziegler as a witness. In 2020, Lunden filed a lawsuit against Hunter for paternity and child support. After a DNA test established Hunter as the father of Lunden's daughter, Navy, the two agreed on a child support arrangement in March 2020.

Hunter consented to pay Lunden $20k per month, but later petitioned the court to reduce his payments, citing a change in his financial circumstances. Lunden has opposed this request, asserting that Garrett possesses information about the notorious laptop Hunter allegedly abandoned at a repair shop. She claims the computer contains financial records demonstrating Hunter's failure to disclose all his income sources.

In a recently submitted motion, Hunter argued that the court should not permit Garrett to testify as an expert witness. Hunter's attorney stated, “Ziegler is 27 years old and has a Bachelor of Science in Economics from St. Louis University, awarded May 2018. He does not have a postgraduate degree in, nor any other substantial education, training, or experience in accounting, finance, taxation, or any other applicable field." The lawyer also noted that Ziegler has never testified as an expert witness in any other proceedings.

Hunter alleges that Garrett has been harassing his family for years, citing his transcription and publication of Ashley Biden's private diary in October 2021. Additionally, Hunter claims that Garrett founded a company dedicated to researching and disseminating data from his purported laptop.

Hunter's attorney added, "In this capacity, Zeigler has accused Defendant of various crimes and referred to his family as the 'Biden crime syndicate.'"

Hunter contends that the alleged laptop was abandoned in 2019 and could not contain any current financial records. He asserts that any records on the laptop would be from 2019 and thus irrelevant to the current dispute, as he claims his current income has decreased.

The judge has not yet issued a decision on the matter.