Donald Trump has reiterated his stance that the COVID-19 virus emerged from the Wuhan lab, suggesting incompetence as the cause of its spread during a recent interview with Fox News' Mark Levin.

The 76-year-old former president maintained that he was among the first to promote the lab leak theory, citing satellite images of body bags in the vicinity of the Wuhan lab as evidence. Trump expressed his belief that the virus escaped from the lab due to incompetence.

In a recent op-ed for the Daily Mail, Trump emphasized the need for China to be held accountable for the COVID-19 outbreak, suggesting that measures such as tariffs, taxes, and a global summit on reparations should be on the table. He stressed the importance of ensuring that a similar tragedy never happens again.

As he gears up for a potential 2024 presidential run, Trump accused China of concealing its errors and called for accountability from those who enabled the cover-up. He criticized the initial dismissal of his lab leak theory in early 2020 as "racist," a "conspiracy theory," and a claim without evidence.

Furthermore, Trump slammed the World Health Organization, the media, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and others for attempting to "silence, censor, and shut down" any suggestions that the lab leak theory might be accurate. He also claimed that President Joe Biden "shut down the investigation my administration had launched into the true origins of the China virus."

The former president's insistence on the lab leak theory and his call for accountability continue to fuel debate on the origins of the COVID-19 virus and the appropriate response to the global pandemic.