Meghan Markle, Prince Harry Allegedly Struggling To Balance Parenthood With Their Lucrative Jobs

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are allegedly struggling to keep up with all the jobs that they accepted in recent months.
In its July 12 issue, OK! magazine claimed that Prince Harry and Markle can’t seem to balance parenting their two young children with their lucrative offers.
Markle just gave birth to her daughter last month, and she announced that she will be taking a five-month break from her jobs.
Prince Harry, on the other hand, is expected to continue with his professional endeavors.
However, a source for the tabloid claimed that the couple wanted to spend as much time as they could with Lilibet Diana. And they were also looking forward to vacationing on the beach.
Unfortunately, they cannot push through with their plans because of their duties.
“The work is piling up and certain deadlines can’t be missed. They won’t get to kick back on the beach as much as they’d like. They may have bitten off more than they can chew,” the source said.
Last month, Globe claimed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have some outrageous demands. Days after welcoming their daughter, the couple allegedly asked for a 20-week leave.
However, a source for the tabloid criticized the Sussexes following their outrageous demand especially since they have been giving off the impression that they are not that busy.
“How in the world does this moneybags couple need time off their so-called work – the few hours a week they’re required to do something – when they never seem to break a sweat and their sole job appears to be being famous,” tabloid claimed.
However, one should take the tabloid’s claims with a grain of salt. Markle announced that she will be taking a five-week maternity leave and not a 20-week break from her work.
Prince Harry isn’t also on his paternity leave because he continues to perform his duties, and he’s also taking over the duties of his wife.
In fact, even though Prince Harry already quit his royal duties, he’s still very much involved with some of the happenings within The Firm.
For instance, he recently traveled to the United Kingdom to attend the unveiling of Princess Diana’s statue. He joined Prince William at the event, and they also gave a joint speech.
Prince Harry was also in the U.K. last April for the funeral of Prince Philip.