The Sandringham Summit will once again take place in March 2021, a mere four months away. This will be a pivotal meeting between senior royals Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Harry, and the Reigning Monarch Queen Elizabeth.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s exit agreement will be reviewed once again, and the question of whether the royal pair’s titles will be stripped off is a big hump to tackle in the next summit.

Royal author Robert Lacey shares with Express UK that it is unlikely that the Queen will order for the titles to be stripped off from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

“There are two titles involved, there is the HRH status, and then there is the actual title of Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Obviously, if the review in March concludes they can't stay working royals, then it's quite likely they would lose or forfeit their HRH styles,” Lacey shares.

Both Prince Harry and Meghan Markle agreed to a 12-month review to ensure that the royal firm and the Sussex understood each other.

Lacey continues to explain that the Queen bestowed the couple the titles that she can only remove. Although the use of their HRH titles is only suspended, it is highly likely that if Harry and Meghan decide to stick as ‘private citizens,’ this will be removed.

Despite the royal pair stepping down from their responsibilities, they continue to be the Royal Foundation's patron. The couple also promises to uphold the Queen’s name in their commercial ventures.

Furthermore, Lacey explains that there is a small possibility Prince Harry and Meghan’s Duke and Duchess title will be removed, if and only if the royal pair gives it up.

Nigel Cawthorne, another royal author, agrees with this idea. He believes that there is a very small chance that the Sussex’s will give up their titles, as this could be seen as an offensive move against the Queen.

In the past months, the royal pair has been thriving on their own without the Royal family's help. Their wishes to become private citizens, and financial independence has been achieved.

They have also been actively preaching initiatives, organizations, and projects close to their hearts in the past few months, garnering them praises and jovialities.

The Sandringham Agreement has proven to be very beneficial to the pair, as it has given them more freedom to interact with the outside world.