Health Expert Accuses Donald Trump Of Flirting With Disaster By Holding Rallies Without Wearing A Mask

Donald Trump never wore a mask in public, drawing strong criticism from his rivals. The president is currently holding rallies and attending events, including his recently concluded Tulsa rally without wearing a mask. On July 2, Dr. Jonathan Reiner accused the president of flirting with disaster by refusing to wear a mask during his public appearance.
Reiner, who served as an adviser to the White House medical team under President George W. Bush, told CNN's Kate Bolduan on OutFront that even though Trump is tested frequently, he is likely to contract the virus. The more he flirts with this, the more likely he is to get it, Reiner added.
The former White House medical team adviser pointed out that Trump is over 70 and he is obese, adding that he has about 20 percent chance of dying if he ends up contracting the virus. This message comes a day before the president plans to visit South Dakota for a fireworks celebration at Mount Rushmore, where attendees are neither required to wear a mask nor follow social-distance guidance, per the state's governor.
The president left no stone unturned in a bid to downplay, or completely ignore the pandemic in its initial stage, telling American people that his administration is keeping the virus under control and urging businesses across the country to reopen while several states continue experiencing a huge surge.
Trump was slammed for his Tulsa rally last month, where several Secret Service agents and campaign staffers tested positive for the virus. Reiner noted that the president visited Tulsi amid a surge in viral activity in the state. To make things worse, he hosted the event in the tightly packed BOK Center with thousands of attendees, almost all of who were not covering the face with masks.
In short, Reiner accused Trump of doing everything possible for acquiring the virus. Trump told Fox Business' Blake Burman on July 1 that he has worn a mask in the past, and the only reason he doesn't fancy wearing one is that everyone gets tested for coronavirus before he meets them.
The president insisted that people have seen him wearing him, and he would not mind wearing one if he is in a group of people where they are not ten feet away from each other, explaining that he is not in that position since everyone he meets gets tested. While he still suggests it is not necessary to making masks mandatory across America, Trump said he is all for masks and he thinks that they are good.