Extraordinary images of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) maneuvering over the far side of the moon have fueled speculation about potential extraterrestrial colonization of the lunar body, amid claims of a clandestine government cover-up.

Intriguing footage shared by TikTok user Larry Loo has captured the attention of millions, showcasing two unidentified aerial phenomena traversing the lunar landscape. This video, which has amassed over 4.6 million views and provoked 100,000 comments, is igniting theories that these unidentified crafts are en route to an obscured base on the moon.

According to an intelligence community source, the unexplained sightings of anomalous structures on the moon can't be brushed off lightly. "Something's happening there. If the constructions on the far side are indeed an alien base, Earth could be in for a surprise," they stated.

These new observations contribute to an increasingly compelling body of evidence suggesting possible alien activity in Earth's vicinity. This follows the photographic capture of a trio of dark UFOs traversing the moon's surface by a shutterbug in Moscow, Russia.

As GLOBE previously reported, NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2019 discovered a structure on the moon that was interpreted by some as a colossal extraterrestrial base. Scott Waring, a renowned UFO researcher, noted that zoomed-in images disclosed a gargantuan city-like structure on the lunar surface.

Waring detailed on his website, etdatabase.com, his discovery of an over nine-mile long structure in the moon's De Moraes Crater. He described the object as a circular tube-like structure, which he postulates is part of a larger construct.

This significant structure is also visible on NASA's Google Moon application. Waring points out the numerous right angles evident on the object, which don’t appear to be a result of pixelation. “The structure looks like the side of an alien edifice when viewed up close. It's genuinely staggering,” he shared.

Waring also raised questions about a possible governmental agenda to conceal these potential alien structures. His skepticism is reflected in his rhetorical question: “Why did NASA want to shield us from seeing this alien structure?”